Need Help ? – Ask Steve


Over the last few years I have helped many people with their IOT and MQTT projects.

Many of the small tasks I have done,and continue to do, free of charge.

However; as you can appreciate, due to time constraints I need to charge for tasks that require more than 15 minutes of my time, and don’t worry I will tell you upfront if there will be any charges.

I do offer a paid consulting, tuition and other services.

If you:

  • Need Help with a Real World MQTT project?
  • Require consultancy?
  • Mosquitto broker configuration help
  • Require one to one tuition on MQTT
  • Reports
  • etc

Then use the form below to ask.

I currently charge a basic rate of £50 per hour for online help, tuition and software development with a minimum charge of £10.

If you have a question regarding something covered in a tutorial or video then can you please use the comments form on the tutorial or video.

I don’t publish guest posts.

If you have tutorial or video suggestions then please use the suggestions page.


Note If you are having problems with the email form can you please use the comments box . The comments will not be published.



Please rate? And use Comments to let me know more

One comment

  1. Dear Steve,
    My name is Paul and I live in the Netherlands.
    I checked your video’s about nodered and the chart function in specifically.
    Looking so simple but I am struggeling for more than 10 days now already.
    I am sending 2 messages to a ui_chart node.
    Both of them are displayed nicely. BUT…
    I want one (Temperature) in the same as the other one (Feels like).
    I thought I am doing everything right: different topic both with series and labels (labels are same for both payloads) but the second always overwrites the first one.
    Would like to sent you the payloads but do not hink this is the right way. Can you give me your email adres pls.
    Thks in advance

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