The paho MQTT python client from Eclipse supports MQTT v 3.1 and 3,1.1, and now MQTTv5 and works with Python 3.x.
Tutorial Outline
In this tutorial we look at the main client object, and it’s methods.
We will then create a simple Python example script that subscribes to a topic and publishes messages on that topic.
If all goes well we should see the published messages.
The example scripts are kept simple, and I don’t include any error checking.
I use my own locally installed broker, but you will probably find it easier when starting to use a free online broker like:
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Installing The Client
You can Install the MQTT client using PIP with the command:
It usually isn’t as straightforward as using the command
pip install paho-mqtt
as most machines have multiple versions of python installed and there are several versions of pip and the actual command depends on whether you are on Windows or Linux.
Therefore use the command:
pip --version
before installing to find out where pip will install the files.
The screen shot below is taken from my Windows 10 machine where I have two versions of Python installed (3.4 and 3.6)
If I ran
pip install paho-mqtt
It would install the client in the 3.6 site packages. To install it for the 3.4 version I would need to run.
pip3.4 install paho-mqtt
On my Raspberry pi (linux) using the command
pip install paho-mqtt
would install the client for use my python version 2.7
To install for version 3.5 I would need to run:
pip3 install paho-mqtt
Note: if you have multiple versions of python on your machine then take a look at my Python Notes.
Note: On the PI and maybe other linux versions if you get an error on install then use sudo pip install paho-mqtt.
Video- Installing The Mqtt Python Client and Other Modules Using PIP
You will find the online client documentation here. and also the install files if you need them.
The Python MQTT Client
The core of the client library is the client class which provides all of the functions to publish messages and subscribe to topics.
If you want to look at the code for this class you should find the code in the file in the mqtt directory. (windows machine)
This directory is located in python34\Lib\site-packages\paho\mqtt (windows see Python Notes.)
Where python34 is the root of my python install.
Main Client Methods
The paho mqtt client class has several methods.The main ones are:
- connect() and disconnect()
- subscribe() and unsubscribe()
- publish()
Each of these methods is associated with a callback. See Later.
Importing The Client Class
To use the client class you need to import it. Use the following:
Import paho.mqtt.client as mqtt
Creating a Client Instance
The client constructor takes 4 optional parameters, as shown below .but only the client_id is necessary, and should be unique.
Client(client_id=””, clean_session=True, userdata=None, protocol=MQTTv311, transport=”tcp”)
To create a instance use:
client =mqtt.Client(client_name)
See Working with Client objects for more details
Connecting To a Broker or Server
Before you can publish messages or subscribe to topics you need to establish a connection to a broker.
To do this use the connect method of the Python mqtt client.
The method can be called with 4 parameters. The connect method declaration is shown below with the default parameters.
connect(host, port=1883, keepalive=60, bind_address="")
Note: You only need to supply the broker name/IP address.
The general syntax is
See Working with Client Connections for more details.
Publishing Messages
Once you have a connection you can start to publish messages.
To do this we use the publish method.
The publish method accepts 4 parameters. The parameters are shown below with their default values.
publish(topic, payload=None, qos=0, retain=False)
The only parameters you must supply are the topic, and the payload.
The payload is the message you want to publish.
The general syntax is:
Example Python Script:
We are now in a position to create our first Python Script to Publish a message.
The script below publishes the message OFF to topic house/main-light
import paho.mqtt.client as mqtt #import the client1
#broker_address="" #use external broker
client = mqtt.Client("P1") #create new instance
client.connect(broker_address) #connect to broker
Note: I am using my own local broker but you can use an online broker like the one at
Subscribing To Topics
To subscribe to a topic you use the subscribe method of the Paho MQTT Class object.
The subscribe method accepts 2 parameters – A topic or topics and a QOS (quality of Service) as shown below with their default values.
We will now subscribe to topics and in this example we will subscribe to the topic house/bulb1 which is also the same topic that I’m publishing on.
Doing this lets us see the messages we are publishing but we will need to subscribe before we publish.
So our script outline becomes.
- Create new client instance
- Connect to broker
- Subscribe to topic
- Publish message
Our new example script is shown below, and I have inserted some print statements to keep track of what is being done.
import paho.mqtt.client as mqtt #import the client1
print("creating new instance")
client = mqtt.Client("P1") #create new instance
print("connecting to broker")
client.connect(broker_address) #connect to broker
print("Subscribing to topic","house/bulbs/bulb1")
print("Publishing message to topic","house/bulbs/bulb1")
If we run the script this is what we see:
So where is the message that I published?
When a client subscribes to a topic it is basically telling the broker to send messages to it that are sent to the broker on that topic.
When the client receives messages it generate the on_message callback.
To view those messages we need to activate and process the on_message callback.
Aside: Callbacks are an important part of the Python Client and are covered in more detail in Understanding Callbacks.
Callbacks also depend on the client loop which is covered in Understanding the Client Loop.
However at this stage it may be better to just accept them and proceed with the script.
To process callbacks you need to:
- Create callback functions to Process any Messages
- Start a loop to check for callback messages.
The client docs describe the on_message callback and the parameters it excepts.
Here is my callback function, which basically just prints the received messages:
def on_message(client, userdata, message):
print("message received " ,str(message.payload.decode("utf-8")))
print("message topic=",message.topic)
print("message qos=",message.qos)
print("message retain flag=",message.retain)
Note the message parameter is a message class with members topic, qos, payload, retain.
I.e message.topic will give you the topic.
Now we need to attach our callback function to our client object as follows:
client.on_message=on_message #attach function to callback
and finally we need to run a loop otherwise we won’t see the callbacks. The simplest method is to use loop_start() as follows.
client.loop_start() #start the loop
We also need to stop the loop at the end of the script (loop_stop()), and in addition wait a little to give the script time to process the callback, which we accomplish using the time.sleep(4) function.
This what our completed example script now looks like:
import paho.mqtt.client as mqtt #import the client1
import time
def on_message(client, userdata, message):
print("message received " ,str(message.payload.decode("utf-8")))
print("message topic=",message.topic)
print("message qos=",message.qos)
print("message retain flag=",message.retain)
print("creating new instance")
client = mqtt.Client("P1") #create new instance
client.on_message=on_message #attach function to callback
print("connecting to broker")
client.connect(broker_address) #connect to broker
client.loop_start() #start the loop
print("Subscribing to topic","house/bulbs/bulb1")
print("Publishing message to topic","house/bulbs/bulb1")
time.sleep(4) # wait
client.loop_stop() #stop the loop
If you run the script you should see the following
Note: logically you should be able to start the loop before you create a client connection, but it you do then you get unexpected results.
Useful Exercises
You should try commenting out, one by one, the lines:
- client.on_message=on_message
- client.loop_start()
- client.Loop_stop()
and run the script to see the results.
Receiving Messages outside of the on_message Callback
A common question is how do you get received messages into the main script from the on-message callback. There are several ways of doing this as explained in Receiving Messages with the Paho MQTT Python Client
Troubleshoot using Logging
To help troubleshoot your applications you can use the built in client logging callback.
To use it you create a function to process the logging callback. My function is shown below and it simply prints the log message.
def on_log(client, userdata, level, buf): print("log: ",buf)
and then attach it to the callback:
You should then see details of connections,publish and subscribe messages like that shown below:
The above is a quick overview to get started you can find out more details in the tutorials below:
Video – Using the Paho Python MQTT Client.
Common Problems
1. Not seeing any messages or not seeing all expected messages.
Possible causes
- You haven’t started a network loop or called the loop() function. Or you haven’t registered or created the callback functions.
- You haven’t subscribed to the correct topics or subscription has failed.
- Access restrictions are in place.
2.- My messages don’t appear in the order I expected?
Possible causes
- The callback functions are async functions which can be called at any time. Use a queue to store the messages and print in one place. I use the Python logging module.
——–> MQTT Python Beginners Course
Important Changes for MQTTv5
Although you may not currently be working with MQTTv5 I would advise you to take a look at the Client changes for MQTTv5 tutorial as by making slight changes to your code you can make it future proof.
MQTT Python Kindle Book
If you prefer all of my MQTT pythons tutorials all in one place then you might be interested in my Kindle Book.
Working with the Paho Python MQTT Client
Related Tutorials and Resources
Unfortunately the release of eclipse-paho v2.0.0 has broken this tutorial. Simplest fix for now is to replace `pip install paho-mqtt` with `pip install paho-mqtt<2.0.0` (which will install v1.6.1). The updates required to use V2 should be pretty small but as things stand it's likely to confuse readers.
Tks for pointing that out I will put a note on the tutorials.
when I try this i get bash: 2.0.0: no such file or directory
put paho-mqtt-1.6.1 in quotes
pip install ‘paho-mqtt<2.0.0'
not sure if this is a general reply… or a reply to a previous reply…. I am confused… anyway…. when you say:
how do you know that those values / paths are?
I have a tasmota switch that has:
19:56:09.887 MQT: stat/tasmota_E6458D/RESULT = {“POWER”:”ON”}
19:56:09.890 MQT: stat/tasmota_E6458D/POWER = ON
19:56:14.480 MQT: stat/tasmota_E6458D/RESULT = {“POWER”:”OFF”}
19:56:14.484 MQT: stat/tasmota_E6458D/POWER = OFF
in the log for the switch…. does that map to:
The topics/paths are the ones that you choose.On Tasmota you can choose them in the setup see
Does that answer your question or have I totally misunderstood.
While describing, the subscription method and broker’s functionality in respect of that, you have written
“telling the broker to send messages to it that are sent to the broker on that topic…”
would it not be more appropriate as below
telling the broker to *share* messages to it that are sent to the broker on that topic
Good point.
I had to use to reproduce the results in your script. I don’t know if more settings are needed, if the mqtt broker on is simply down right now (I can’t connect to it in MQTT Explorer but can still ping it) or if the mqtt service is no longer provided at that address.
Otherwise this is incredibly useful Steve – thankyou!
James yes I think is more reliable not sure why I used in the script I will try and change it.
Hello Steve, thanks a million to help.
I am trying to get the simpliest program to work, with the code below.
Funny enough it does the messageFunction only once, if I run the program. (Every time again of I run the program again). But although it stays in the main loop (and give the log messages), it does not receive the message any more after initial start…
import paho.mqtt.client as mqtt # Import the MQTT library
import time # The time library is useful for delays
#MessageFunction below is execute every time a message comes in.——–
def messageFunction (client, userdata, message):
#Decode MQTT message and write it to the database
global PushPower
topic = str(message.topic)
mssge = str(message.payload.decode(“utf-8”))
print (topic + mssge)
def on_disconnect(client, userdata, rc):
if rc != 0:
print(“Unexpected disconnection.”)
def on_log(client, userdata, level, buf):
print(“log: “,buf)
#client MQTT connectie maken met MQTT-brooker/server——————–
ourClient = mqtt.Client(“Zero_client_mqtt”) # Create a MQTT client object
ourClient.connect(“”, 1883) # Connect to the test MQTT broker
ourClient.subscribe(‘domoticz/out/Power’) # Subscribe to the topic AC_unit
ourClient.on_message = messageFunction # Attach the messageFunction to subscription
ourClient.loop_start() # Start the MQTT client
print (“start loop”)
print(“sleep a bit”)
It looks ok. Are you sure that messages are being published to that topic on a regular basis. It may be that you are getting a retain message when you subscribe.
check by subscribing using the mosquitto_sub tool .
Yes I’m sure indeed it publishes, I do/did use a MQTT Explorer (on my Kubuntu PC), and it updates every second or so. (I can see it on the time stamp in the message and the value that changes a bit every few seconds).
The funny thing is it always gives the message once when I run the program, but not anymore thereafter. The log messages do keep coming: below is a screendump…
pi@HeatBattV2:/var/www/html $ python
start loop
sleep a bit
log: Received CONNACK (0, 0)
log: Received SUBACK
log: Received PUBLISH (d0, q0, r0, m0), ‘domoticz/out/Power’, … (370 bytes)
“Battery” : 255,
“LastUpdate” : “2023-02-05 20:02:13”,
“RSSI” : 12,
“description” : “”,
“dtype” : “P1 Smart Meter”,
“hwid” : “2”,
“id” : “0001”,
“idx” : 1,
“name” : “Power”,
“nvalue” : 0,
“stype” : “Energy”,
“svalue1” : “4715628”,
“svalue2” : “6103465”,
“svalue3” : “9956402”,
“svalue4” : “4052383”,
“svalue5” : “1904”,
“svalue6” : “0”,
“unit” : 1
log: Sending CONNECT (u0, p0, wr0, wq0, wf0, c1, k60) client_id=b’Zero_client_mqtt’
log: Received CONNACK (0, 0)
log: Sending CONNECT (u0, p0, wr0, wq0, wf0, c1, k60) client_id=b’Zero_client_mqtt’
log: Received CONNACK (0, 0)
sleep a bit
log: Sending CONNECT (u0, p0, wr0, wq0, wf0, c1, k60) client_id=b’Zero_client_mqtt’
log: Received CONNACK (0, 0)
log: Sending CONNECT (u0, p0, wr0, wq0, wf0, c1, k60) client_id=b’Zero_client_mqtt’
log: Received CONNACK (0, 0)
sleep a bit
log: Sending CONNECT (u0, p0, wr0, wq0, wf0, c1, k60) client_id=b’Zero_client_mqtt’
log: Received CONNACK (0, 0)
log: Sending CONNECT (u0, p0, wr0, wq0, wf0, c1, k60) client_id=b’Zero_client_mqtt’
log: Received CONNACK (0, 0)
log: Sending CONNECT (u0, p0, wr0, wq0, wf0, c1, k60) client_id=b’Zero_client_mqtt’
log: Received CONNACK (0, 0)
sleep a bit
log: Sending CONNECT (u0, p0, wr0, wq0, wf0, c1, k60) client_id=b’Zero_client_mqtt’
log: Received CONNACK (0, 0)
log: Sending CONNECT (u0, p0, wr0, wq0, wf0, c1, k60) client_id=b’Zero_client_mqtt’
log: Received CONNACK (0, 0)
sleep a bit
log: Sending CONNECT (u0, p0, wr0, wq0, wf0, c1, k60) client_id=b’Zero_client_mqtt’
log: Received CONNACK (0, 0)
^CTraceback (most recent call last):
File “/var/www/html/”, line 39, in
pi@HeatBattV2:/var/www/html $
Hello Steve: I found the issue!
The problem was that I have another client on the network (another raspberry) that also subscribed to the topics, but with the same client:
ourClient = mqtt.Client(“Zero_client_mqtt”) # Create a MQTT client object
By changing this to this (notice the number ‘2’:
ourClient = mqtt.Client(“Zero2_client_mqtt”) # Create a MQTT client object
the issue was resolved…
I suppose the brooker gets confused if there are two similar clients on the network…
I hope this helps for others 🙂
Thanks again!
Yes if you have two clients with the same client ID then they get disconnected.
I can’t seem to use mqtt in a cgi type python script.
If I have the line:
import paho.mqtt.client as mqtt
in the cgi file it fails and I can’t figure out why.
If I do
#import paho.mqtt.client as mqtt
the script runs but is useless.
Here is a post I made 25 days ago. I found a work around then but I can’t use it this time.
BTW I have mosquitto used all over in my raspberry pi configuration. Five or six python scripts running simultanously publishing and subscribed.
But I can’t get past the import in my cgi script.
Any Ideas?
Can you use the ask steve page and send me the script
loop_read、loop_write、want_write Instructions for the use of the three methods
Hi Steve, excellent work you do with this web site I would be lost without it.
I’m having a problem with starting mosquitto as a service to windows.
This is where I am at:
Windows 10 Home Version 10.0.19044 Build 19044
from PowerShell(7) admin console:
pip3 install paho-mqtt
downloaded mosquitto Version 2 install script from your site.
unzipped to C:\mosquitto
cd C:\mosquitto
created myconfig.conf:
listener 1883
allow_anonymous true
.\mosquitto -v -c myconfig.conf
mosquitto version 2.0.10 starting
1651108077: Config loaded from myconfig.conf.
1651108077: Opening ipv6 listen socket on port 1883.
1651108077: Opening ipv4 listen socket on port 1883.
1651108077: mosquitto version 2.0.10 running
If I then run my python program (which does connect to the broker at this point).
Everything is fine, messages can Rx\Tx thru the IP address of my broker.
In new admin terminal:
sc query mosquitto
this returns:
[SC] EnumQueryServicesStatus:OpenService FAILED 1060:
The specified service does not exist as an installed service
net start mosquitto
this returns:
The service name is invalid.
More help is available by typing NET HELPMSG 2185.
netstat -a
This returns:
A long list of TCP and UDP IP addresses and ports.
Port 1883 is not listed.
I thought this is supposed to install mosquitto as a service?
Mosquitto works locally and externally if I run it manually with “.\mosquitto -v -c myconfig.conf”
I just can’t seem to get it to start as a service to Windows 10
If I restart my system and type:
sc query mosquitto
this returns:(the same error message)
[SC] EnumQueryServicesStatus:OpenService FAILED 1060:
The specified service does not exist as an installed service
net start mosquitto
this returns:(the same error message)
The service name is invalid.
More help is available by typing NET HELPMSG 2185.(this seems to be useless as typing it gets the same error message again)
netstat -a
This returns:(same as before restart)
A long list of TCP and UDP IP addresses and ports.
Port 1883 is not listed.
If you use my files then you need to manually add mosquitto as a service. The easiest way if you want to use it as a service is to use the official download.
The only problem with this is then you will need to stop the service and run mosquitto manually when testing.
Hi Steve,
Thanks a lot for the useful knowledge.
I have tried Python 3.6 and 3.7 with paho.mqtt 1.6.1 on Window 10. I am also stuck in the problem as shown below:
Sending CONNECT (u1, p1, wr0, wq0, wf0, c1, k60) client_id=b’client_name1′
failed to receive on socket: [WinError 10054] An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host
I have tested the connection using mqtt.fx, and the broker works well, sending the information I need. Could you please indicate other possible problems. I have attached my code below:
import paho.mqtt.client as mqtt
def on_connect(client_instance, userdata, flags, rc):
print(“Connected with result code “+str(rc))
client_instance.subscribe(“topic1″, qos=0)
def on_message(client_instance, userdata, msg):
print(msg.topic+” “+str(msg.payload))
def on_log(client_instance, userdata, level, buff):
client_instance = mqtt.Client(“client_name1″)
client_instance.username_pw_set(username=”name1″, password=”password1”)
client_instance.on_log = on_log
client_instance.on_connect = on_connect
client_instance.on_message = on_message
print(“connecting to broker 1”)
client_instance.connect(“address1”, port1, 60)
print(“connection failed”)
Many thanks,
It looks like you might have two clients connected with the same client name can you check.
Hi Steve,
I have tried quite a few different client names, and they are show the same logs. I have also double-checked the user credentials, broker address, port numbers, etc. and cannot locate where the problem is. Do you think there is any other issues with my code?
Hi Steve,
Further to my question, I have checked the connected clients and tried different names, which does not lead to a problem. Instead, I find that the remote broker can only be connected with the mqttv5. I have read your related article and transformed my code to the mqttv5 version, but it still shows the same error: “Sending CONNECT (u1, p1, wr0, wq0, wf0, c1, k60) client_id=b’cumberland_jiahong_30′ properties=None
failed to receive on socket: [WinError 10054] An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host”
Could you please help to check my following code?
import paho.mqtt.client as mqtt
def on_connect(client_instance, userdata, flags, rc, properties=None):
print(“Connected with result code “+str(rc))
client_instance.subscribe(“topic1″, qos=0, options=None, properties=None)
def on_message(client_instance, userdata, msg, properties=None):
print(msg.topic+” “+str(msg.payload))
def on_log(client_instance, userdata, level, buff):
client_instance = mqtt.Client(“client_name1″, protocol=mqtt.MQTTv5)
client_instance.username_pw_set(username=”name1″, password=”password1”)
client_instance.on_log = on_log
client_instance.on_connect = on_connect
client_instance.on_message = on_message
print(“connecting to broker 1”)
client_instance.connect(“address1”, port1, 60, bind_address=””, bind_port=0,
clean_start=mqtt.MQTT_CLEAN_START_FIRST_ONLY, properties=None)
print(“connection failed”)
The code looks ok .What broker are you connecting to and can you see the broker console?
Hi Steve,
I am using the mqtt.fx, and I can see the log in the software. It works well there, just not right in my code. My colleague just help me fix the problem with an additional line of :
and it works well using the normal v3.1.1 mqtt version of the code. Do you have any idea on my two questions on this issue:
1. Why the tls_set is necessary for my mqtt connection, which is not seen in most of the examples on the website.
2. Why the mqtt.fx cannot use V3.1.1 to connect but the python code could with a tls_set?
Thanks for your time, and it will help my further development.
Best regards,
Regarding the tls_version it is probably because the broker and client use different defaults. On mosquitto v2 tlsv1.1 is no loner supported so normally you will need an entry
the tls statement is always required when connecting to an ssl port. Most of the examples don’t use ssl.
I’m 74 years old and relatively new to Node-red, but thanks to your tutorials I have been able to create a simple display from a python program that is controlling my wife’s glass fusing kiln. It’s running on rpi zero w (old Arm6 architecture apparently.) I have a second rpi zero w that I am trying to make as a backup in case the first breaks. I do have a clone of the sdcard, so I can always use that and this 2nd board, but I wanted to see if I could update to the latest Node-red. I did find a procedure to follow at
This worked perfect for getting node and npm up to date. Hassan then suggested that to install Node-red I could try “sudo npm i -g node-red” and this also worked.
So now to my current problem. On my 2nd rpi zero w, when I bring in a MQTT input node, it just hangs up trying to connect to (I’m assuming) the broker. It just keeps repeating a connecting-disconneted cycle.
How can I find out why it is not connecting? If I change the server to the IP of the 1st board I can connect to it. I am using paho/mqtt.
Thanks for any direction you can point me.
It seems like the first board is running the broker. Is that the case?
I believe that my problem is that I don’t have a broker installed on the 2nd board. I used the command
pip install paho-mqtt – do I still need to install mosquitto?
You only need one broker on the network or use a public one like
Thanks for your help, but you see; I was so clueless that I did not know that the paho-mqtt did not install a broker. I have since installed mosquito and all is well. Thanks again!
Hi Steve,
Thankyou for the wonderful tutorial with lots of examples.
One scenario I am trying to try out is on the Subscribe client at the onMessage callback I would like to spawn a new process and pass the message payload and handle pass/fail scenario in this new process.
Any help, suggestions on this would be highly appreciated.
Are you doing this for each message. Do you have any sample code?
Yes Steve,
def on_message(client,userdata,message):
payload = str(message.payload.decode(“UTF-8”))
# start a new process and send the payload to process here
Something on these lines,
worker.doSomething() will have the resource intensive task for each of the message and should run in a different process.
I am looking at how to spawn new process from the on_message implementation
I will take a look. How many do you think?
Thanks Steve,
The idea is to spawn a new process as and when a new message arrives, process the payload (say post to an endpoint API call) and terminate that process.
So if 10 messages arrive, 10 processes would be spawned from the def on_message
and each process would get terminated once the payload is posted to the API endpoint.
Hope I have been able to explain the use case.
Yes I will take a look.
Sent you a script via email
Thanks Steve,
Received the script over mail.
it is working perfectly for thread implementation but in our use case we would need to exploit the multi cores of the processor and execute them concurrently.
Like you mentioned in windows it doesn’t spawn, let me try in ubuntu and share my observation.
Thanks and Regards,
Hi Steve,
let me start with a warm BIG THANK YOU for your detailed tutorials, your shared valuable information is super helpful!!
I wanted to ask how one can get the current number of subscribers for a specific topic? I’m running mosquitto broker version 1.4.15 on ubuntu 18.04.1, and my clients connected via WebSockets
Appreciate your work!
I am afraid you can’t. The sys logs show totals but not for a specific topic.
understood, appreciate you taking the time to reply.
enjoy your weekend!
no problem
Hi steve,
How to publish multipart messages through paho.mqtt?
You need to manually add a message number to each message and use that to put the message back together. It is not built into the protocol. MQTTv5 makes it easier with user properties
What message size are you using?What type of message text or binary?
Okay, thanks Mr. Steve for the response. In my case it’s text messages less than 2 MB. Do you have any existing scripts for this?
This should help as to send the file I split it into blocks
I didn’t see messages but i think code is true. what am i missing out on? I add code and window run code.
import paho.mqtt.client as mqtt #import the client1
import time
def on_message(client, userdata, message):
print(“message received ” ,str(message.payload.decode(“utf-8”)))
print(“message topic=”,message.topic)
print(“message qos=”,message.qos)
print(“message retain flag=”,message.retain)
def on_log(client, userdata, level, buf):
print(“log: “,buf)
print(“creating new instance”)
client = mqtt.Client(“P1”) #create new instance
client.on_message=on_message #attach function to callback
print(“connecting to broker”)
client.connect(broker_address) #connect to broker
client.loop_start() #start the loop
print(“Subscribing to topic”,”house/bulbs/bulb1″)
print(“Publishing message to topic”,”house/bulbs/bulb1″)
time.sleep(4) # wait
client.loop_stop() #stop the loop
Run window:
creating new instance
connecting to broker
Subscribing to topic house/bulbs/bulb1
Publishing message to topic house/bulbs/bulb1
log: Sending CONNECT (u0, p0, wr0, wq0, wf0, c1, k60) client_id=b’P1′
log: Received CONNACK (0, 5)
log: Sending CONNECT (u0, p0, wr0, wq0, wf0, c1, k60) client_id=b’P1′
log: Received CONNACK (0, 5)
Process finished with exit code 0
You are getting an authentication failure probably because you are using mosquitto v2 see note here and basic config file to fix it.
I solved . Thanks Mr. Steve.
I have few devices and want to connect to a particular device to subscribe to all the attribues. I can subscribe and get all the attributes by giving the IP address as a broker and access token of that particular device to the username. But where as if I try localhost as a broker, we can subscribe but don’t know for which device we are subscribing. Can you please help me how to connect and subscribe to a particular device by using localhost or
You cannot send to a device only to a topic. I think you may not understand how MQTT works. Take a quick look at this.
Hi Steve, thanks for the guide. I’ve written 2 scripts to use the broker to continuously send screen shots of one machine to all connected clients. This works really well (I can send you the scripts if you would like to see how I did it). However, when I run my client script from another machine on my network, it fails to connect to the mosquitto broker. When I run mosquitto from DOS in verbose mode, it doesn’t detect anything when I try to connect. I’ve opened up the ports in the firewall to allow incoming and outgoing traffic but that had no effect. I’ve allowed anonymous connections and setup an empty password file and that had no effect. Do you have any thoughts on why a machine on the local network can’t connect to my local installation of the mosquitto broker? Thanks! Andy
Yes like to see them. I’ll drop you an email so you can add them as an attachment.Can you ping the machine?
Yes, the machine pings. I didn’t look at the routers firewall. Do you think that could be it?
Yes, I can ping the machine. I added a rule to my router to allow the unencrypted mosquito port. That didn’t seem to help.
If you can ping it then it can only be that the broker isn’t running on that port of the port is blocked by a firewall.
I can’t remember if you said it was running on windows or Linux.
Windows. FYI – Didn’t receive an email about sending those scripts.
Hi Steve, first of all many thanks! very insightful and well structured guide.
I have some doubts regarding the callback functions in scenarios when I have to wait until a certain condition happen. In my app, I want to be listening in 2 different topics and once I have received a message in both of them, perform some calculations with both of them.
(main thread) mqtt_client.sub(topic1)
(thread Nº2) mqtt_client2.sub(topic2))
(thread Nº3) do_calculations(message_from_topic1, message_from_topic2)
And then send some messages to both topics:
mqtt_client.publish(topic1, “5”)
mqtt_client.publish(topic2, “20”)
To be able receive messages from both topics, the main thread is listening to topic1, and a parallel threads is listening to topic2. I’ve thought using a third thread that is in parallel waiting to obtain the values from the messages in both topics, but with the callback at the middle, I cant sort out with a solution… do you have any hint on dealing with this kind of situation?
Use a dictionary from store the messages from each thread but you don’t need separate threads to listen on two topics.
periodically check the dictionary values in the main thread and call the calculate function when both are present then clear the values from the dictionary.
You could also extend the client class simply by using
client.topic1_message= #use for topic 1 and client.topic2_message= in the on message callback
if topic==topic1:
if topic==topic2:
if client.topic1_message!=”” && client.topic2_message!=””:
Steve, Again Great App.
I have another question: The broker I am accessing has a config topic and a data topic. I can subscribe to the config topic to see what data is valid in the data topic. config looks kind of like
config/subtopic1/… like 7000 topics here
config/subtopic2/… like 7000 topics here
I subscribe to config/#, and sometimes I get all 14000 messages back quite quickly, and then sometimes I only get a subset like 1500, and no matter how long I wait (10 minutes) it doesn’t send anymore messages. The information in config is slow changing, as the valid data doesn’t often change. How do I force the broker to send all topics under config/#? I suspect it’s to do either of the following:
qos setting (1)
clean_session (True)
I suspect that you may have had clean session false and so when you reconnected you got messages for all of the topics you were previously subscribed to.
MQTT on sends you a message if it has one for that topic.
It will only hold messages if the they were published with a retain flag set or qos 1 or 2 and you connected with clean sessions set to false.
Thanks for the great tutorials!!
I have an application that has a mqtt setup. The basic application works fine. What I am wondering, I have multiple topics and would like to check the state of one particular topic from a different application.
What is the best way to do just a one time check for a topic state. And get the state information and then exit.
Just connect,subscribe and check for a message and then disconnect.
Thanks Steve,
I have hopefully a quick question:
subscribing to something/something/something/#
there are say 20,000 topics here:
I care about like 10,000 of them:
on_message() gives me the actual topic:
If I don’t want topic1 can I unsubscribe to it specifically, and still stay subscribed to the rest.
I actually created a 10,000 element array of tuples of the topics I care about, but it seems way slower than using /#.
I don’t think you can unsubscribe to a sub topic when using the wild card but is interesting and I will check.I would just filter out the topics I didn’t want.
Hope that helps.
I tried it and unsubscribing to a sub topic doesn’t work
Hi Steve,
Following your code as in the video:
everything works using “” as broker.
When I put localhost or the program does not give any error and it also waits 4 seconds, then it finishes. The only problem is that it does not write the message, in fact when I am in localhost the publish does not work (I think).
Can you tell me why this happens and how can I solve it?
If I put back the correct broker everything works.
Also mqtt.Client I have not understood well what it is for, it could be also for this that it gives error, maybe I use it wrong?
Thank you very much for the tutorials and especially if you can answer my question.
Have a nice day,
Localhost and means that the broker is running on the machine that you are running the script on.
The client code is in a class called Client. At the top of the code you see this
import paho.mqtt.client as mqtt #import the client
this imports the file containing the code and assigns it the name mqtt.
to create an instance of the Client class with use
Thanks Steve, it works!
I’m new to mqtt paho. I learned a lot from your tutorial. I try to configure the client and test it out. My question in what file should I configure? Thanks.
I would get the pub and subscribe script from my site and work with that to get you started
Hello Steve, I’d like to thank you for the immense help you provide for people and the amount of resources on this site is amazing. I’ve started to work on MQTT and I do have a couple of questions. First of all, if I get a reading from a temperature/heart sensor, how would I transfer that reading to MQTT and secondly, would publish and subscribe files be in one, as certain examples added them together, or do we keep it different and make a main file and import the publish and subscribe files?
I appreciate your time.
Thank you
It depends on how you are getting the reading is it coming using http etc. As regards publishing and subscribing they can be the same script and often are.
Hi Steve,
There is a way to accept a specific ip adress to connect on mqtt server or get the origin ipadress in on_message callback without using userdata or ipAdress on the subject
No. The sender would need to send the data as art of the message or in userdata if MQTTv5
I want to know if it is possible to know if an mqtt client with a particular id has disconnected.
i have a python script which connects to an mqtt server and i have a javascript which connects to an mqtt server. i want to know if from python script i can know if my javascript client disconnected from mqtt server
This is not built into the protocol but you can do it yourself take a look at this article
How to develop application MQTT with Java and how to send data to MQTT server and how to get data from MQTT server
Sorry but I don’t use Java.
very good tutorial thank you.
it s easy to understand
I wish you can make one for MQTT V5.0 with python
I’m waiting for the paho client to support it.
Hi Steve, I have some doubts about the latency of mqtt, I want to measure the latency time of the messages in each QoS, but I’m not sure how to do it. I’m thinking of using Wireshark but I don’t know if there is another way to do it by programming the clients from python, for example.
Thanks for your help.
I wrote some python scripts that did this and logged the data to a database or log file some time ago but never published them. I just took a look at them and they use an old function that I don’t longer use so they need a little rewrite. Here is a sample output
[{“time”: 1531239454.9252646, “time_taken”: “0.025”, “count”: 1, “broker”: “”}, {“time”: 1531239454.9262555, “time_taken”: “0.206”, “count”: 1, “broker”: “”}, {“time”: 1531239454.9267304, “time_taken”: “0.067”, “count”: 1, “broker”: “”}, {“time”: 1531239454.9271038, “time_taken”: “0.088”, “count”: 1, “broker”: “”}, {“time”: 1531239454.927502, “time_taken”: “0.098”, “count”: 1, “broker”: “”}]
[{“time”: 1531239484.9253147, “time_taken”: “0.020”, “count”: 2, “broker”: “”}, {“time”: 1531239484.9263163, “time_taken”: “0.422”, “count”: 2, “broker”: “”}, {“time”: 1531239484.9268985, “time_taken”: “0.297”, “count”: 2, “broker”: “”}, {“time”: 1531239484.9274166, “time_taken”: “0.308”, “count”: 2, “broker”: “”}, {“time”: 1531239484.927918, “time_taken”: “0.318”, “count”: 2, “broker”: “”}]
If that is of interest You can have them as is and modify accordingly or I can rewrite the code so that they work without the old functions but I probably need a week to do this.
Get in touch using the ask steve page.
Thanks a lot for the tutorial! I’ve been playing around with ESP8266 and ESP32 chips, and have so far stayed away from MQTT. Your tutorial made me realized that MQTT is a great complementary to using raw tcp/ip!
As a first exercice, I wanted to create a “mailbox” service through a persistent session. The incentive is a low power ESP8266 device that sleeps most of the time and periodically wakes up and checks if there are any pending commands for it.
Meanwhile I implemented this as a receiver and sender on my Linux host. The two scripts `` and `` can be found in the following gist:
Even though my solution seems to work works, I feel that the way the receiver wakes up and asks the broker for new messages is very hackish. I’m not even sure that I might not miss a message. What I currently do is the following:
while 1:
client = mqtt.Client(client_name, clean_session=is_first)
client.on_message=on_message #attach function to callback
client.connect(broker_address) #connect to broker
time.sleep(0.1) # How long should this time be?
# client.loop(0.1) # why doesn’t this do the same as the previous three lines?
time.sleep(5) # Here the esp chip will go into deep sleep, e.g. for 5minutes.
My questions are:
– Is there no direct way of polling for a message, instead of the indirect method of using `loop_start();…;loop_stop()`.
– Why doesn’t the receiver work when I do `loop(0.1); instead of `loop_start(); sleep(0.1); loop_stop()`? What is the difference?
– Is the receiver guaranteed to receive all the messages?
– Is there a better way to implement this?
Thanks a lot!
There is no need for polling. If the client connects with a clean session of false and subscribes with a qos of 1 and then the commands are published with a qos of 1 then when the client wakes up and connects it will receive all of the queued commands.
As for the loop just use loop_start() and loop_stop(). So my code would look like
Wake up
process messages
wait a bit
go to sleep
Hope that helps
Hi Steve,
I am trying to parse the payload from a BLE Gateway. Using MQTTBox, I’ve verified incoming messages from the BLE Gateway to the Broker. But if I try to parse the message, the code doesn’t seem to work properly. I could not see the “failure”… must be somewhere in the function “def on_message” / the “for-loop”.
I tried to debug the code, but I can’t find the failure. Would be glad, if you could help me. Thx a lot – Joern
import time
import paho.mqtt.client as mqtt
import msgpack
import logging
from beacontools import parse_packet
def on_subscribe(mosq, obj, mid, granted_qos):
print(“Subscribed: ” + str(mid))
def on_log(client, userdata, level, buf):
def on_message(mosq, obj, msg):
for d in msgpack.unpackb(msg.payload)[b’devices’]:
#parse iBeacon data
advData = d[8:]
adv = parse_packet(advData)
if adv == None:
print(“mac:{:02X}{:02X}{:02X}{:02X}{:02X}{:02X}”.format(ord(d[1]), ord(d[2]), ord(d[3]), ord(d[4]), ord(d[5]), ord(d[6])))
print(“rssi:”, ord(d[7]) – 256)
print(“UUID: %s” % adv.uuid)
print(“Major: %d” % adv.major)
print(“Minor: %d” % adv.minor)
print(“TX Power: %d” % adv.tx_power)
def on_connect(mosq, obj,flags, rc):
mqttTopic = “AlteZiegelei”
print(“Connected with result code “+str(rc))
mqttc.subscribe(mqttTopic, 0)
mqttHost = “”
mqttPort = 1883
mqttc = mqtt.Client()
#mqttc.on_log = on_log
mqttc.on_connect = on_connect
mqttc.on_subscribe = on_subscribe
mqttc.on_message = on_message
mqttc.connect(mqttHost, mqttPort, 60)
Can you send me the code as an attachment to and also an example of the payload you are trying to decode if possible. Change the extension to .txt and .py will be blocked by spam filters
Hi Steve,
thanks a lot for your guideline – very helpful for me as a beginner (in python as well as mqtt). While trying your example (Pycharm, Python 3.6), I don’t get any output regarding the successful messages. With the logging command I recieve this:
creating new instance
connecting to broker
log: Sending CONNECT (u0, p0, wr0, wq0, wf0, c1, k60) client_id=b’P1′
Subscribing to topic Test
log: Sending SUBSCRIBE (d0, m1) [(b’Test’, 0)]
Publishing message to topic Test
log: Sending PUBLISH (d0, q0, r0, m2), ‘b’Test”, … (3 bytes)
log: Received CONNACK (0, 0)
Process finished with exit code 0
I am using as broker.
Q: Why is there a ‘b’ upfront of my topic “test” and what could be the problem, that I didn’t recieve the message from the function “on_message”?
Thank you very much
The b stands for binary and is nothing to worry about.
Usually the reason you don’t see a message is that you aren’t running a loop
Thank you for your answer. Regarding the failed message – I am using your code – so where might the error could be? Thx a lot again! Joern
import paho.mqtt.client as mqtt # import the client1
import time
def on_message(client, userdata, message):
print(“message received “, str(message.payload.decode(“utf-8”)))
print(“message topic=”, message.topic)
print(“message qos=”, message.qos)
print(“message retain flag=”, message.retain)
def on_log(client, userdata, level, buf):
print(“log: “,buf)
broker_address = “”
print(“creating new instance”)
client = mqtt.Client(“P1”) # create new instance
client.on_message = on_message # attach function to callback
client.on_log = on_log
print(“connecting to broker”)
client.connect(broker_address) # connect to broker
client.loop_start() # start the loop
print(“Subscribing to topic”, “Test”)
print(“Publishing message to topic”, “Test”)
client.publish(“Test”, “OFF”)
time.sleep(4) # wait
client.loop_stop() # stop the loop
The script is probably ending before the message arrives increase the time.sleep to 20 secs
That was helpful! Thx a lot!
Best, Joern
Switching to worked for me.
Hi steve, I want to ask about this
what is “(u0, p0, wr0, wq0, wf0,c1, k60) client_id=b’control”,?
can you explain one by one?
it is user,password, retain,qos,not sure,clean session and keep alive=60
Amazing introduction, That’s help me a lot to get a first idea.
Thank you very much Steve!
I have 1 problem, in my script I subscribe to the Charge topic, when it receives a message about the start of charging and the amount of energy, I use the on_message method, check if the topic matches (msg.topic == ‘Charge’) and if they match, I call my own charging function, in this function in an infinite loop I constantly increase the value of the buffer variable, and at certain times I want to publish, but instead of publishing at the right time, it waits for the whole cycle to work (it outputs to the console as if it were publishing ) and only after the cycle is done, he sends all my publishing to the broker
Can you use the ask steve page and send me the script and I’ll take a quick look.
Also what do you mean by cycle is done?
Hey Steve,
what happens if the broker receives a message on the same channel at the exact same time?
By channel I assume you mean topic. The broker processes it as normal. there is no conflict
Alright. Thank you for your answer.
One more Question:
What happens if a client receives a multiple messages on the same topic on the exact same time?
For example when I have two raspberry pies as clients which are publishing data to each other?
Kind regards, John
It still works ok as they can’t actually be at the same time because they need to come in via the tcp socket which will hand them over to the client or broker depending on what is running.
Thank you! But there will be a bigger delay then? I calculated the delay with seven different clients a, all publishing to one client b on a specific topic and the delay till this client b publishes back an answer is sometimes over 1.5s?
The delay is getting bigger the more a clients are sending a message to the client b.
That is to be expected I didn’t realise that you were measuring the delay I thought you were only worried that the client would receive all the messages.
is there a way to minimize this delay?
Can you explain to me exactly the process and I’ll have a think about it.Maybe better to use the ask steve page
Hello Steve,
I want to store the sensor data which is published on MQTT Broker into a database.
I followed your article and it is working properly. I used PAHO Mqtt client to subscribe to the topic.
When this paho mqtt client is subscribed to the topic, the data is stored in database. So how this paho mqtt client can be subscribed to the mqtt broker all the time so that the data will always be stored in the database.
Is there any way that paho client is subscibed to the mqtt broker 24×7? Or is there any other way so that each and every message published on the mqtt broker will be saved in the database?
In the subscribe script you use loop_forever or a infinite while loop at the end of the script to keep it running.
Hi Steve
I have installed MQTT broker (mosquitto) on my windows and created a MQTT service port 1883. However when i am trying to run your script, the client is unable to set up connection with broker. I guess I am missing something in broker_address. In broker_address what address I should use?
you need the address of the windows machine running mosquitto. Go the the command line and type ipconfig it will show you the address.
Hi Steve, hope everything is going well, I have a problem with MQTT, as I imported paho.mqtt.client as MQTT and it is working only on pycharm, but when I run a or files on VSCode it gives me: ImportError: No module named paho.mqtt.client, how can I fix it? I prefer to work using VSCode.
Hassan Majdalawi
Don’t know vscode but the error is because the module is not in the search path for vscode. you may need to install the module using vscode
Hi ..iam stared to do a project to create a dashboard in cumilocity IOT server .mqtt box is using for testing cumilocity APIs you have any material or idea where to start with ..all your vedios are so informative
Sorry but I’ve never used cumilocity IOT server.
Hey, Steve,
thank you very much for this ingenious and easy to understand tutorial.
I try to connect small model cars via MQTT to a broker. Every time they pass a certain section of the track, they have to connect to the broker, subscribe, send a message with the section and after they receive a message from the broker, they unsubscribe and disconnect again. This works quite well so far, but only the first time. As soon as the client (car) is unsubscribed, disconnected and the loop is terminated with loop_stop(), nothing happens anymore if they cross the section again. It is not due to the flags. After loop_stop they are set to the initial value again. Have you got an idea whats the problem here?
Here the important code-segments:
class carClient:
def run(self, position):
self.position = position
assining functions to callback
self.client.on_disconnect = self.on_disconnect
self.client.on_connect = self.on_connect
self.client.on_message = self.on_message
self.client.connect(“localhost”, 1883, 60)
while self.r == True: #in on_message r is set to FALSE
self.client.subscribe(“test_channel”) # subscribe topic
self.client.publish(“test_channel1”, (“ID:” + str( + ” Position: ” + str(position)))
self.r == True
I call the function from the main method in another class:
if position == 20: #instance of the class where all the mqtt methods are.
Thank’s a lot and stay healthy.
Here is a link to the whole code:
I took a look at the complete code and it looks ok. There is no need to stop the loop but you should disconnect.
Can you check that the run function is being called more than once.
Hey Steve,
thanks for the fast reply. It’s still not working. It’s working as long I don’t disconnect(). As soon as I use the disconnect() – method, the client (car) is not publishing again if it crosses the section a second time.
I even tested it with a second if loop for track piece == 23, but still the same problem.
Can you use the ask steve page and send me a copy of the code and we can deal with it via email
Hi Steves
I want to send mqtt data to other process using multiprocessing and do something in this process (like send it to can bus). But I don’t know how to do that. Could you help me. Please!!!
I try to do this thing, but it not work
def on_message(parent_conn, client, userdata, msg):
print(msg.topic + ” ” + str(msg.payload))
Are you sending it to a process on the same machine? Do you want to use D-Bus
Yes I send it to the same machine
And I have never used D-Bus. My purpose is send data to other process now i use multiprocessing package in python but if this thing give me the bester way, no problem
Ok I think I get what you mean can you send your script to me using the ask steve page. You don’t need to paste it in as once I get the message I can email you.
Yes I can do that
I am in a great trouble in working with MQTT in Raspberry Pi and Arduino. The task now is that I have got RPi-A and RPi-B and they need to communicate through MQTT. RPi-A gets some information and sends it to RPi-B. RPi-B makes the decision and sends back the result to RPi-A. I have seen some examples in sending one way, say RPi-A is the publisher and RPi-B is the subscriber. It’s totally fine. Yet, I can’t find a suitable example with codes in two-way communications as discussed above. Do you have any suggestions. I have tried to include on_publish to publish the message in same topic (and different topics) as in subscription, but both way doesn’t help. I am not good at programming and communication. Could you help suggest an example so that I can solve the problem and understand the logic? Really Thanks
Karl been away for a few days I will take a look
I’ve created a tutorial that might help along with python download code
my connection was successful and able to PUBLISH, but I do not get any message from my SUBSCRIBE(subscribe topic does show up at AWS IOT test). I have the loop_start() there. the only difference between your example and what I do was via the port 443 with ALPN
I have the following,
def ssl_alpn():
ssl_context = ssl.create_default_context()
ssl_context.load_cert_chain(certfile=cert, keyfile=private)
mqttc = mqtt.Client()
ssl_context= ssl_alpn()
mqttc.connect(aws_iot_endpoint, port=443)
print(“Subscribing to topic”, topic)
any idea what I did wrong?
Looks ok. Did you say you can publish ok? When you say subscribe doesn’t show up do you mean you don’t see it on the amazon server?
Hello everyone,
I made a SDR-POCSAG receiver with decodes pager messages. It spits out these messages on the terminal. Since I’m a newby and no C++ or Python programmer, I need a little help from you guys to get me in the right direction. to find a simple way to get those messages converted into MQTT messages. Anyone any suggestions on how to achieve this? Much appreciated!
If it’s linux you could pipe it to a python program that retransmits the data using mqtt.
Are you in a position to run a python program on the device.
Sorry for my delayed responce, I thought I’d recieve an e-mail if there was a reaction.
It is is possible to run a Python program om my system, only I don’t have the programming skills to get that working. Any help in this regard will be much appreciated.
I did reply by email but guess you didn’t get it.
If you are on a linux system then Python is already installed and all you need to do is run it from the command line. If you are on windows then you first need to install python here is the link
hi, i am getting this error
log: Sending CONNECT (u0, p0, wr0, wq0, wf0, c1, k60) client_id=b’python1′
log: Sending DISCONNECT
log: failed to receive on socket: [WinError 10054] An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host
Can you plz help
It look like the broker isn’t there or on the right port have you tried testing to the broker
What IDE are you using ?
The default python ide
Steve, can you tell me what is causing this error?
I think I am doing what you are instructing in this document.
Python 3.5.2 |Anaconda 4.2.0 (64-bit)| (default, Jul 5 2016, 11:41:13) [MSC v.1900 64 bit (AMD64)] on win32
Type “copyright”, “credits” or “license()” for more information.
>>> import paho.mqtt.client as mqtt
>>> Client(client_id=””, clean_session=True, userdata=None,protocol=MQTTv311, transport=”TCP”)
Traceback (most recent call last):
File “”, line 1, in
Client(client_id=””, clean_session=True, userdata=None,protocol=MQTTv311, transport=”TCP”)
NameError: name ‘Client’ is not defined
Should be
client = mqtt.Client(“client_id”)
Do you mean that I should replace
Client(client_id=””, clean_session=True, userdata=None,protocol=MQTTv311, transport=”TCP”)
with client = mqtt.Client(“client_id”) ?
then the rest of the tutorial should work?
Hi, I want to run a stress test to see the performance of current backend infrastructure and specifically the Mqtt broker feature.
1. Clone account 10 000 (we have a tool to clone users)
2. Get a session for the 10 000 cloned users (client – server).
Use the session to connect to the broker (mqtts://xxxx.xx:xxxx)
Create topics for all the DoSs and publish a message with qos type 2.
We are interested to know:
Apdex, response times, network, errors of (login and get a session, connect to the broker, subscribe to the topics and publish messages)
cold u help me out here
What specifically can you use the ask steve page to reply
hi steve,
thanks for this page. as a beginner i want to ask u can we connect multiple publisher and subscribers with the same program above or do it in different way. please help me with this. thankyou
Yes but they all need different client ids. When you are doing this in bulk most people use a random client id
Hi Steve,
thanks a lot for your very helpful tutorial – it helped me a lot already.
I’m running a mosqitto broker V1.5.7 on a Raspbian Buster and observe a significant difference in behaviour on topic subscriptions between python 2.7.16 and python 3.7.3.
With the same python code, on python 2 the on_message callback is triggered, while on python 3 the callback is not triggered. In both cases the connect and subscribe (mid checked) are successful.
Are you aware of any significant difference between the python 2 and 3 behaviour of the paho-mqtt package?
Is there any kind of diagnostics to check the on_message function or the loop running?
best regards
I have used several python versions 3.4,3.5, and 3.6 and not noticed anything like that. What version of the client are you using?
Can you send me the script (use ask steve page ) and I’ll take a look
Yes I have the same issue with python 3.8.1. I didn’t test with an older version of python but the callbacks aren’t triggered.
The problem with the callbacks in 3.8 turned out to be that the client loop wasn’t being called. This is common so it is the first thing to check
With the loop that works. Sorry I don’t see that in your very useful website. Thanks.
Glad you got it working.
Greetings Steve.
Thank you for your site. I have a problem, i want to store my data to database i had create. And the problem is how to store data from esp8266 over mqtt to database. Could explain how to do that?
it’s pleasure if you could help me.
Take a look here
First of all, thank you for your site. Here is my very curious problem: If your program turn on a computer, everything works perfectly. Now if the same program run on two computers that need to connect to the same broker, on both Python consoles, the message ” Broker connected” appears cyclically in the same way on both computer. By stopping a one of two programs the other one is working normally again.
The problem persists with different topics.
By inhibiting the “on message” callback function, the problem disappears.
Do you please an explanation to problem and especially a solution? Cordially
It is because the clients are using the same client id. Change the client id of one of the clients
Minor quibble with the example for installing on Raspberry Pi. When I tried it,
pi@WxPIcture:~ $ pip3 install paho-mqtt
Traceback (most recent call last):
File “/usr/bin/pip3”, line 9, in
from pip import main
ImportError: cannot import name ‘main’
Being a “python newbie” (even though I’ve been programming nearly 50 years), it took me a while to track down that you need to use “sudo pip3 install paho-mqtt”
Sorry I’ll correct it.
I am working on my thesis and I have a Problem to connect with the Broker in the very first example:
import paho.mqtt.client as mqtt #import the client1
#broker_address=”” #use external broker
client = mqtt.Client(“P1”) #create new instance
client.connect(broker_address) #connect to broker <-at this po
As broker address I type in my IP4 address: as shown in my network settings. My Computer is running on Ubuntu and connected to my FritzBox 7330 SL. If I use an external broker address everything works fine. But if I use my address in my own FritzBox network the following is shown in my Terminal:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 5, in
client.connect(broker_address) #connect to broker
File “/home/flint/.local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/paho/mqtt/”, line 839, in connect
return self.reconnect()
File “/home/flint/.local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/paho/mqtt/”, line 962, in reconnect
sock = socket.create_connection((self._host, self._port), source_address=(self._bind_address, 0))
File “/usr/lib/python3.6/”, line 724, in create_connection
raise err
File “/usr/lib/python3.6/”, line 713, in create_connection
ConnectionRefusedError: [Errno 111] Connection refused
I am a very beginner in this topic. It would be awesome, if someone could help me with this
It looks like the broker isn’t running or is using a different port
Thank you Steve!
The broker wasn’t installed correctly. Now it works fine!
And a great thanks for your site!
Hi Artur,
I hope find you well,
i would ask you how you solve this issue.
I want to cutoff voltage using MQTT. How can I achieve it?
You will need to supply more details like what are you controlling what is the end device and what interface. Is it a tasamota switch for example etc
Hey Steve, I want to replace the communication in my project (HTTP/REST to MQTT). For that I need to realize a Request-Response-Pattern with MQTT. Is there any option to do this?
Thanks in advance
In MQTT v5. Take a look here
I’m just starting to create MQTT v5 tutorials as I’ve been waiting for a Python v5 client and the mosquitto broker to support v5.
Hopefully Get most of the done by end July.
Hey Steve,
thanks for your reply.
I also have read about the req-res-pattern in MQTTv5.
Do you see any option to do this with v3.1.1. (Python client ) already or do I have to wait for the Paho implementation as well? 😛
You would have to build it into the App with version 3.1.1. I would imaging v5 will be everywhere by end of this year. You can start development now as mosquitto 1.6 supports v5 and there is a Python client on github gmqtt I think.
Hello Steve!
Thanks for the article! Btw I have a small question: As I can see now, callbacks works only if the method signature is the same as it is required by the paho lib, so this doesn’t work for me:
def on_message(message):
print(“message received “, str(message.payload.decode(“utf-8”)))
print(“message topic=”, message.topic)
print(“message qos=”, message.qos)
print(“message retain flag=”, message.retain)
client.on_message = on_message
only in case if I add back the client and userdata parameters which are unused at the moment and I dont plan to use them.
Of course I don’t want to learn all the the method signatures for callbacks so do You know a way to handle this? I’m using PyCharm for development but as I can see, it can’t generate automatically the method with the proper parameters. Do you have any advice for this?
No the callback function that you write need to conform to the callback template for that callback which I get from the docs here
Hallo Steve,
Thanks for you instructions they are very helpful.
One thing temporarily stopped me was the installation, with the instruction “pip install paho-mqtt”
the installation shall be done for python 2.7.
For python3 what is standard installed on the newer version of rapsberry pi you need pip3.
I am sure you know, but for me it took a while to discover.
Tks for pointing that out I’ll edit the text to make it clear.
You might find this page useful
it goes into running multiple python versions and pip as I had problems with it when I first started and still do from time to time.
Hi Steve,
Great article! Very helpful. In the comments section you wrote:
The on_message callback is what triggers the storing. I wrote a logging script but I used a different thread to store the data so as not to block the main script.
The on_message callback just drops the message in a queue that gets processed by the storage thread.
If you want I will send it to you so you can take a look.
as for the 1000 messages I think it is too many as it could be several hours or days depending on how active the topics are.
Can you send me that code?
There are two loggers avaialable
teh data logger and topic logger. You can download them here
and here
Hi Steve.
I have garden lights and internal lights that have sonoff smart switches connected but they have been flashed with tasmota. This gives off mqtt results. I have set up a broker with paho-mqtt and your script above in python works and I can turn on and off the lights with a python script. I would love to add the status of each light on a webpage and even be able to turn it on and off from my webpage.
I have a pi nginx webserver which runs my paho-mqtt/mosquitto on too.
Do you know how to get this info on to a webpage ?
Thanks in advance
There are many ways of doing this but I assume you want a python solution running locally.
If so then I have script that was developed for something else but will do what you want. Use the ask steve page and contact me and I’ll send it to you.
You might also want to consider node-red as it makes it very easy to display data. You could also use it for control.
If you need to do this across the Internet then thingsboard will also do it but I’ve only used that for display.
You might find these videos useful
Is there any way i can get the list of all clients and their IPs , connected to broker, by altering the same code. Please mention if there is any other way of doing this.
Unless you have configured the clients to announce themselves by some mechanism then you can’t do what you want to do.
See this article
Using the on_message callback in paho, when i’m subscribed to a topic. i’m trying to display a message if the last message received was over 15 seconds earlier. I’m trying to control a relay based and if i get flooded with messages, the relays opens and closes nonstop.
Any idea on how to do this?
Do you want the relay to only change state every 16 seconds at most?