MQTT is a messaging protocol that has become the default protocol of IOT.
The best way of understanding MQTT and MQTT-SN is to use them. To get started you need two things:
- An MQTT or MQTT-SN broker
- An MQTT or MQTT-SN client
The most popular MQTT broker is the free open source mosquitto broker. Installation instructions and detailed tutorials are available here.
The most popular MQTT clients are the mosquitto_sub and pub clients which come with Mosquitto .
You will need to install mosquitto first to gain access to these clients.
There are also graphical clients available like MQTT explorer which many people prefer.Take a look at.
- MQTT explorer
- MQTTLens -Chrome extension -Tutorial here
- MQTT Client –Android App
MQTT clients are also available in all of the main programming languages.
On This site I provide examples using Python, Nodejs and JavaScript, and C as well as Arduino.
This site and newsletter is dedicated to help you learn and master the MQTT and MQTT-SN protocols, and use them in your applications.
This can be somewhat confusing for beginners. MQTT is the most popular protocol and is fully standardised. It use TCP as the transport protocol.
MQTT-SN was created later and based on MQTT but uses UDP as the transport protocol, and is not as yet fully standardised.
Currently there is very limited support for the MQTT-SN protocol but that seems to be changing.
There is currently,as far as I am ware, only one MQTT-SN broker the RSMB (really small messaging broker). The mosquitto broker started life as the RSMB broker.
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Getting Started
I Recommend you start your journey into MQTT with the short MQTT course.