Previous Tutorial Connecting to a Broker Using MQTTv5 and python.
Again this tutorial assumes you are already familiar with the basics after using MQTTv3.1.1.
This is covered in these tutorials:
- MQTT Publish and Subscribe for Beginners
- Subscribing using The Paho Python Client
- publishing messages using the Python client
Just as with MQttv3.1.1 we have a publish function and also the on_publish callback.
Just as with the connection we have an additional properties object to deal with.
Old signature for MQTT v3.1.1 and v3.1 is: publish(self, topic, payload=None, qos=0, retain=False) and for the MQTT v5.0 client: publish(self, topic, payload=None, qos=0, retain=False, properties=None)
To use properties in the publish message we need to get a publish properties object as shown in the code below:
The following properties are available (links are to specification)
- Payload Format Indicator
- Message Expiry Interval`
- Topic Alias
- Response Topic
- Correlation Data
- User Property
- Subscription Identifier
- Content Type
The payload format indicator lets you indicate to the receiver the type of data being sent and is a one byte field.
There is really currently only 1 option which is UFT-8 data. Indicator set to 1.
Setting it to 0 or not setting it means that the receiver must know the format in advance or guess as with MQTTv3.1.1.
The message expiry interval is a 4 byte field which tells the server to discard the message if hasn’t been delivered in this time period.
You should not that publish properties are sent by the broker to all subscribing clients which we will see when examining a received message.
We will construct our publish properties object using these two fields as examples.
print("publishing ") properties=Properties(PacketTypes.PUBLISH) properties.PayloadFormatIndicator=1 properties.MessageExpiryInterval=15 #expire message after 15seconds
The publish message looks like this:
client_pub.publish(pub_topic, msg_out,qos=1,properties=properties)
Note: We need to publish with a QOS of 1 or 2 to test the message expiry interval.
Note: Publish returns 0 on success, but you need to process the on_publish callback to be sure.
on_publish Callback
There is currently no change in this callback function from v3.1.1. Even though the broker will return a reason code 135 when a publish is denied due to ACL restrictions the client cannot detect it.
There is no properties parameter in the callback.
In order to test the message expiry interval,and session expiry interval we to subscribe using a QOS of 1 or 2 .
In addition we need to set a session expiry interval and also connect with a clean_start flag of False.
The sample code is shown below:
properties=Properties(PacketTypes.CONNECT) print("Setting session expiry interval") properties.SessionExpiryInterval=300 #set session expiry interval=5 mins client_sub.connect(host,port,clean_start=False,properties=properties) client_sub.subscribe(pub_topic,qos=1)
Examining the Received Message
When we published the message we set the message type as UTF-8.
We can check this isĀ the received message by looking at the received properties in the message object in the on_message callback.
def on_message(client, userdata, message): msg=str(message.payload.decode("utf-8")) messages.append(msg) print("message properties", print('RECV Topic = ',message.topic) print('RECV MSG =', msg)
A screen shot of the result is shown below:
Note: Subscribe returns 0 on success, but you need to process the on_subscribe callback to be sure. In addition ACL restrictions are not detected by the client.
on_subscribe Callback
Again we have a properties object to consider.
Old signature for MQTT v3.1.1 and v3.1 is: on_ subscribe(client, userdata, mid, granted_qos) and for the MQTT v5.0 client: on_subscribe(client, userdata, mid, granted_qos,rc,properties=None)
Note: The on line documentation doesn’t include the reason codes (rc) and the callback does work without it. However the actual code does include it.
Demo Code- in the zip file.
Related Tutorials and Resources:
- Connect to Broker Using MQTTv5 Python Client
- Using MQTTv5 User Publish Properties
- Understanding and Using MQTTv5 Shared Subscriptions and Topics
- Understanding and Using MQTTv5 Topic Aliases
- MQTT Client and Mosquitto Broker Message Restrictions With Examples
Hi Steve,
I am starting to use MQTT using a RaspPi and a Pico W.
I have the Pico part working, I can publish and subscribe and I get good communication with the Pi when using the console and command line to do that. Pi is running Mosquitto broker.
I was having trouble because of the MQTT versions, since my install is recent I have :
mosquitto version 2.0.11
mosquitto is an MQTT v5.0/v3.1.1/v3.1 broker.
So I downloaded your sample files and starting trying and I am still getting the error :
client_sub = mqtt.Client(“subclient”,protocol=mqttv5)
raise ValueError( ValueError: Unsupported callback API version: version 2.0 added a callback_api_version, see docs/migrations.rst for details
Can you pls give me a hint to what I can do?
Thank you
When you create a new client instance using
client=Initialise_clients(cname)#create and initialise client object
then use:
client= mqtt.Client(mqtt.CallbackAPIVersion.VERSION1,cname)
Everything else stays the same.