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May 2034

Reliable Message Delivery Scenarios


I little while ago I wrote an article on reliable message delivery covering various QOS levels,buffering and high availability brokers.

I also started a python project that used a simpler option of multiple brokers the sending part is here

I am in the process of finishing the receive side of the code.

As part of that work and some work I’m doing for a client I thought it would be an idea to outline some scenarios and how I would implement them.

The scenarios are below and I will be adding them to the page Guide to Reliable MQTT Message Delivery.

However before I do that I thought it would be a good idea to get some feedback and also some more scenarios.

So if you have time then please use the suggestions page  to let me know.

The scenarios are below:

Example Scenarios

The following scenarios describe data acquisition under different circumstances and how I would configure an MQTT client.

I would be grateful for any feedback and other examples.

1.temperature,humidity,pressure sensor data sent at regular intervals (every minute).
QOS=0 Buffering required No

2. Meter readings sent hourly

QOS=1 Client Buffering required No

3. Real Time Position data sent every second.

QOS=0 Client Buffering required No

4. Control Messages sent to activate central Heating.

QOS=0 client Buffering required No

5.Billing data sent from a parking meter for example

QOS=1 Client Buffering required yes

6. Daily reports sent to head office

QOS=1 Client Buffering required yes

7. Machine status messages e.g temp,oil pressure etc for real time monitoring

QOS=0 client Buffering required No

8. Machine status messages e.g temp,oil pressure etc for analysis

QOS=1 Client Buffering required yes

Consulting Services and Help

I do offer consulting services and help and advice just use the Ask Steve page to get in touch.

My Other Sites

You may or may note be aware that I have two other related sites that you may find useful. They are:

Until next time.

Best Regards



April 2024



I’ve been getting lots of help requests for SSL configuration help lately which is strange as I have just returned from a visit to Bletchley park of the Enigma fame.

It is easy to see why war plans needed to be encrypted but not so much so with IOT data and also most website data.

You may have noticed that my website doesn’t use SSL and why should it as the site contains public data.

The reason most websites use SSL is because of Google policy.

I get the impression that just as using https has become normal then everyone thinks they should encrypt MQTT data.

IMO probably very little MQTT data requires encryption as it isn’t really confidential.

If you are getting readings from temperatures sensors,smoke detectors, or other such sensors does it actually need encrypting?

However if you are transmitting tax records,medical records,private data over MQTT then some form of encryption is a must. However is SSL your best option?

If you are using MQTT for controlling devices then again encryption is a must.

I would be very interested to hear your thoughts on this and why you have used SSL and did you consider data encryption?

Please use the comments filed on this page- SSL or Payload Encryption Discussion Post

MQTT Broker Monitoring

I have a number of monitoring tools that can be downloaded from the site and I would be interested in any feedback.

In particular what tools you use and if they are from this site or your own or third party.

Simply reply to this email or use the suggestion page.

CloudMQTT shutting down mosquitto broker hosting

I was just informed by a reader that they will be stoping cloudmqtt services from next year. see here

Consulting Services and Help

I do offer consulting services and help and advice just use the Ask Steve page to get in touch.

My Other Sites

You may or may note be aware that I have two other related sites that you may find useful. They are:

Until next time.

Best Regards


March 2024


Many years ago I wrote a couple of python logging scripts. One was a topic logger and the other a data logger.

Both scripts took incoming MQTT JSON or string data and stored it in log files in JSON format.

I was approached last year to get the topic logger to be able to store the incoming data as CSV files which I did.

However I never updated the data logger and didn’t update the topic logger on Github.

Both scripts have now been updated and will log data in csv format if desired.

Currently incoming JSON data should be a flat JSON object and not a nested object.

As an example


will work but


will not.

The code to do the conversion from JSON to CSV is explained it this tutorial.

As an aside if you are using my logger scripts I would very much appreciate some feedback- just reply to this newsletter or use the  suggestions page.

Node-Red Dashboard 2

The original node-red dashboard is slowly being replace by node-red dashboad2.

This is because the original dashboard was based on a version of angular that is no longer supported.

You can install node-red dashboard 2 alongside the original dashboard nodes and it would probably be a good idea to start using these nodes in preference to the original ones.

You can find out more here.

I will be working my way though this new dashboard and writing new tutorial to cover it starting in a few weeks.

Even though they will appear on my node-red site I will link to them in the newsletter.

Consulting Services and Help

I do offer consulting services and help and advice just use the Ask Steve page to get in touch.

My Other Sites

You may or may note be aware that I have two other related sites that you may find useful. They are:

Until next time.

Best Regards
