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Hi Steve,
Is this correct. I notice that the RED NODE function has additional information ‘?requests?’ eg ‘temp’. This appears to be as odds with the &SYS topic mearley reporting the broker is running. I have run this and I note that RED NODE is responding with an [info] [mqtt-broker:9a3ac674.8ced9] Connection failed to broker: mqtt://
I’m thinking it’s the function that is odd.
Stay safe
It depends on the broker you are monitoring. The $SYS topic on often has a lot more topics as it is used for testing.
If you need to use the ask steve page to contact me then you can send me a screen shot.
Hi Steve,
Is this correct. I notice that the RED NODE function has additional information ‘?requests?’ eg ‘temp’. This appears to be as odds with the &SYS topic mearley reporting the broker is running. I have run this and I note that RED NODE is responding with an [info] [mqtt-broker:9a3ac674.8ced9] Connection failed to broker: mqtt://
I’m thinking it’s the function that is odd.
Stay safe
It depends on the broker you are monitoring. The $SYS topic on often has a lot more topics as it is used for testing.
If you need to use the ask steve page to contact me then you can send me a screen shot.