The JavaScript client is basically the same as the nodejs client except that it uses websockets. Web browsers use the http protocol and modern ones can also use websockets. However web browsers don’t have MQTT support built in. To publish and subscribe to an MQTT broker with a browser you will need to use a JavaScript MQTT over websockets client. See the MQTT over websockets if you’re not familiar with MQTT over websockets. This client enables you to create web Apps that use the MQTT protocol for displaying and sending data. In this tutorial I will take you through a
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Using MQTT Over WebSockets with Mosquitto
What is Websockets and How it Works? WebSocket is a computer communications protocol, providing full-duplex communication channels over a single TCP/IP connection. Wiki It is closely associated with http as it uses http for the initial connection establishment.. The client and server connect using http and then negotiate a connection upgrade to websockets, the connection then switches from http to websockets. The client and server can now exchange full duplex binary data over the connection. Video -MQTT Over Websockets Explained Why Use MQTT over Websockets? MQTT over Websockets allows you to receive MQTT data directly into a web browser.
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