Binary Numbers Explained – Beginners Guide

In my experience of teaching networking many students struggle with IP addresses because they lack an basic understanding of binary numbers. An understanding of binary numbers,the binary system, and how to convert between binary and decimal is essential for anyone involved in computers, coding, and networking.

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Understanding and Using The Hosts File-Beginners Guide

What is the hosts file? and What is it used for?– The hosts file performs a name to IP address mapping and was used on early computer networks for name resolution before DNS was developed. The hosts file is still present on computer systems (windows,Linux, MAC), tablets (e.g. android) etc and can be very useful for testing purposes. The hosts file is a simple text file that can be edited with a text editor like notepad. However it is important to note the hosts file doesn’t have a file extension like .txt.

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The Internet of Things (IOT ) for Beginners

The Internet is now 20 years old and over 2 billion people are connected to it using computers,smart phones and tablets. The Internet currently connects people to people (P2P) and is now being called Internet Phase 1. The next Phase of the Internet is just beginning, and will connect people to everyday devices (M2P), and everyday devices to each other (M2M).

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