Logging MQTT Sensor Data Using Python

In this project we will create a simple data logger that logs IOT sensor/device data in JSON format to a text log file. The project Consists of two main modules. A logger class module mlogger.py The logging script mqtt-data-logger.py It also has helper module commands.py  which gets and parses command line arguments. Note: There is also the Simple Python MQTT Topic Logger which logs data based on topic that may be more suitable for your project. Logger Class The class is implemented in a module called m_logger.py (message logger). It can be used for logging data from any source not

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MQTT Keep Alive Interval Explained With Examples

MQTT uses a TCP/IP connection. This connection is normally left open by the client so that is can send and receive data at any time. If no data flows over an open connection for a certain time period then the client will generate a PINGREQ and expect to receive a PINGRESP from the broker.

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My Python Working Notes

Most Python programming books cover the basics of python programming but don’t always deal very much with practical implementation and usage. As someone who is relatively new to python I come across lot’s of things that are probably obvious for an experienced programmer but not so obvious when you are just starting out.

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MQTT Brokers and Cloud Hosting Guide

In order to use MQTT you require an MQTT broker. The broker (server) is the central hub of an MQTT network as shown in the diagram below.. When it comes to choosing an MQTT broker you have three main options: Use your Own Locally Installed Broker/Server Use a Cloud Based Sever or Virtual Server Use a Shared Server Application

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Creating an IOT or MQTT Dashboard Using Thingsboard

Thingsboard is an open source IOT platform for data visualization. It is available for download and installation on your own hardware or as an online service for demonstration purposes. In this tutorial we will configure a simple Dashboard to display data from sensors using MQTT and Python.

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Simple Python MQTT Sensor Simulator

If you are trying to learn MQTT or are working on a MQTT prject then having access to real time data is very important. The aim of this project is to create a very simple two state binary sensor, that can be controlled externally using MQTT. The sensor could be used to simulate real world objects like lights, doors etc that have two states on or off, open or closed etc in IOT projects.

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Understanding MQTT QOS Levels- Part 1

MQTT provides 3 QOS levels- QOS 0 – Once (not guaranteed) QOS 1 – At Least Once (guaranteed) QOS 2 – Only Once (guaranteed) The QOS levels are a way of guaranteeing message delivery and they  refer to the connection between a broker and a client. In this two part tutorial we will look in detail at the message flow when publishing using all three QOS levels. We also look at the advantages and disadvantages of using the various levels

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