Republish HTML Data Over MQTT

HTTP is the protocol that powers the Web,and is the most common protocol on the Internet. Because http is a request/response protocol a visitor viewing a web page must issue a new request in order to refresh the data.

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Using the Node.js MQTT Client-Starting Guide

The node.js MQTT client is an open source client that can be used for publishing messages and subscribing to topics on an MQTT broker. It  can be installed using: npm install mqtt –save and npm install mqtt -g To install the command line tools Documentation for the client is available here

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Logging MQTT Sensor Data

Most MQTT brokers don’t provide any mechanism for logging historical data for later analysis. However due to the publish/subscribe nature of MQTT is is easy to monitor, and log a data stream or streams using an MQTT client.

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Storing MQTT Messages (Sensor Data) in a SQLite DataBase With Python

In this project we will create a simple data logger to store MQTT messages in a sqlite database. MQTT message Data can be JSON or simple text and is stored as is. The project Consists of two modules. A sql logger class module The logging script. The script uses a main thread to get the messages(on_message callback) and a worker thread to store the data. A queue is used to move the messages between threads.

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Using The Python MQTT-SN Client

The MQTT-SN client used here is the client from the RSMB source files but upgraded to python 3, and modified to work in a similar fashion to the Paho MQTT client. I created it so that I could learn more about MQTT-SN and you should note it is still a work in progress. I would not recommend it in a production environment and would be grateful if you would let me know of any problems with it. Downloads are at the end. The client consists of 4 files. You can copy these source files into the site packages folder under

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Understanding IP Multicasting

What is IP Multicasting? -IP multicasting allows a host to send a single packet to thousands of hosts across a routed network i.e. The Internet. It is used mainly for audio (radio) and video distribution. In Networking a packet can be sent to: A single host –Unicast = (TCP and UDP) All hosts -Broadcast – (UDP only) A group of hosts – Multicast -(UDP only)

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Checking Active MQTT Client Connections

This tutorial is in response to a question I received on the client connections tutorial page: I’ve been struggling to find a real client connection status tool, dashboard or anything which will show a list of my clients and their connection status. Clearly the broker via the low-level protocol mechanics maintain an MQTT keepalive table for each client — that’s how Last Will and Testament (LWT) is triggered internally by the broker. However how does one display such table? The problem is that you have no way of accessing the connections table on the broker so the only way is to

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MQTT Topic and Payload Design

Designing a topic naming and payload scheme will be an important part of any MQTT deployment. In this tutorial we look at possible topic and payload design schemes for MQTT networks.

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