Understanding and Using MQTTv5 Shared Subscriptions and Topics

Shared subscriptions provide for client load balancing. With normal subscriptions(non shared subscriptions) if,for example,  4 clients were subscribed to a topic and a client published a message on that topic then that message is sent to all  4 subscribing clients. With a shared subscription then the message would only be sent to one of the subscribing clients.

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Using MQTTv5 User Properties

User properties allow you to add your own meta data to MQTT messages. User properties consist of an array of user defined UTF-8 key/value pairs and are carried in the message property field.

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Using MQTT-Lens- Beginners Guide

MQTT Lens is an add-on for the chrome browser that lets you publish messages to an MQTT broker, subscribe to MQTT topics, and receive messages using the chrome web browser. Once installed you access it via the url chrome://apps as shown below:

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MQTTv5 CONNECT and CONNACK Messages -Overview

The MQTT CONNECT and response messages (CONNACK) have been greatly enhanced in MQTTv5 with the addition of the properties field. The properties field allows for a large increase in the information that can be exchanged between client and server on connection establishment compared to MQTT v3.1.1. For example it is now possible to restrict the maximum message size the server will send to the client by telling the server what message size the client will accept. It is also possible to learn what restrictions the broker imposes on the client by examining the Connection acknowledgement message. The purpose of this

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Using HTTP APIs For IOT -Beginners Guide

Many of the APIs today are Web API’s designed to access web services like Facebook ,Twitter etc. Because of their widespread use most IOT services (AZURE,AWS,Bluemix)  also support http based APIs. To understand and use an http API you will need a reasonable understanding of the following:

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JSON Basics For Beginners-With Examples and Exercises

When sending and receiving data in IOT applications and APIs you will encounter JSON formatted data. Having a good working knowledge of JSON, and how to create and use JSON data will be very important in developing IOT applications. The tutorial is split into two sections. The first section we look at creating JSON data and in the second section we look at converting JSON data into JavaScript objects and extracting values from the data.

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